The Supplementary Radio System (SUPRAD) Oldtimers Association has been together since 1994. At one of CFS Leitrim’s reunions in September 1994 one of our older retirees asked why we did not have an Oldtimers Reunion for all former Communications Rsch 291 retirees. Myself and Butch Whitlaw thought it would be a good idea. So as not to interfere with Leitrim’s re-unions, we decided that June would be a better time for us to gather.

  • To provide an avenue for friends to remain in contact;
  • Raise money for charities;
  • Conduct Annual Memorial Ceremony at Gloucester Cairn.

Members meet for an informal lunch and meeting, “The GAGGLE,” the second Tuesday of, February, April, June, August, October and December at noon in the CFS Leitrim All Ranks Mess. All are welcome! 

We host an Annual Reunion the last week of June at CFS Leitrim, and other locations in the area to renew old friendships.



Lifetime Membership in the SUPRAD Oldtimers Association

To be eligible for Lifetime Membership in the SUPRAD Oldtimers Association an individual must pay the
$20.00 administration fee and qualify within the following criteria.

– all military trades/occupations that have served a minimum of one tour at any unit of the Canadian Forces Supplementary Radio System (CFSRS) or the Canadian Forces Information Operations Group (CFIOG); and

– civilian personnel who have served at any of the CFSRS or CFIOG Stations/Units for a minimum of one tour in the Supplementary Radio System, be sponsored by a current member and approved by majority vote of the membership committee;

– SUPRAD Oldtimers Association Membership Committee may enrol individuals for special contributions on behalf of the association and

– all memberships issued prior to Nov 1, 2005 will be considered as charter members – waiving all eligibility requirements.

Note: The $20.00 administration fee covers the plaque purchase and engraving your name on it, membership cards and mailing costs. Monies remaining will be available to send condolences as needed on behalf of our association.

Anyone wishing to apply for a Lifetime membership in the SUPRAD Oldtimer’s Association please send your name, address, postal code and e-mail address accompanied by your $20.00 to Butch Whitlaw directly.

MB (Butch) Whitlaw

68 Woodfield Drive

Nepean, ON. K2G 0A3


 Friends forever


Web Administrator – Dave Berry




Supplementary Radio Command Crest

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