
Eligibility for a SUPRAD Oldtimers Association Lifetime Membership 

Each applicant must qualify within the following criteria:

  • All military trades/occupations that served within the Canadian Forces Supplementary Radio System (CFSRS) or the Canadian Forces Information Operations Group (CFIOG);
  • All civilian personnel that served within the CFSRS or CFIOG Stations/Units and are sponsored by a current member of the association and approved by a majority vote by the membership committee;
  • The SUPRAD Oldtimers Association Membership Committee may enroll individuals for special contributions on behalf of the association;
  • All memberships issued prior to Nov 1, 2005 will be considered as charter members – waiving all eligibility requirements;
  • There can be no Oldtimer Association Membership awarded posthumously;
  • Each membership has a $20.00 administration fee that covers an engraved metal plaque with the members name, a cross once deceased and the mailing costs;
  • All remaining funds will be utilized to send condolences as needed on behalf of our association.

Anyone that is eligible and wishing to apply for a SUPRAD Oldtimer’s Association Lifetime Membership can send their name, home address, postal code, email address, and $20.00 payment to Butch Whitlaw directly. Include a brief comment on your connection to the SUPRAD Command.

MB (Butch) Whitlaw

68 Woodfield Drive Nepean, ON. K2G 0A3



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