
For the past thirty years, since 1994, thanks to the dedication and leadership of two very good friends, Wayne Moore, and

Butch Whitlaw, we have been privileged to be members of the Association. Since then the members have gotten together for an informal lunch/meeting called “The GAGGLE,” the second Tuesday of every other month (February, April, June, August, October and December) at the CFS Leitrim All Ranks Mess. The “Gaggle” is so named because we do not recognize a leader/president.  A group organizes the various events and keeps the system operating. All members are equal. When an individual joins the old-timer association they leave their rank/status behind and participate as a FRIEND. The Association also hosts an Annual Oldtimers Reunion in June at the CFS Leitrim All Ranks Mess for all trades and civilians who have served within the SUPRAD Community.

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